Besides helping infidelity-infested marriages recover, and teaching the art of receiving...
Here are 12 totally unrelated facts about me:
I’m like my clients – a little unconventional and atypical. We are people with a strong need for life, self-expression, and freedom.
Once I played chess with Imata Kabua, the King of Marshall Islands. I beat his Majesty.
I Love trees… In a perfect world, I would plant 1 million trees and educate people on the connection between nature and our hearts. So far, I have planted 166 oak and pecan trees.
We still have one of the 4 bombs that destroyed my grandmother’s house during the Croatian Independence War. She survived and used it as a door stop.
At the age of 16, I ran away from the refugee camp an became a nun. I had a vow of celibacy, simplicity and poverty.
I learned not only how to soothe and harmonize myself. It turns out I know how to do it for others too.
As a talkative introvert, I prefer a deep, meaningful conversation over a superficial chit-chat. Wanna talk and connect?
I was a multi-country European girl through my teens. Lived around Asia in my 20’s and then – in my 30’s became an American woman. (Imademo Nihongo ga hanashemasu)
I had imposter syndrome, thinking that all my high-end clients came by pure luck.
I went on dates with 500+ men just to learn who men are. It’s like getting a Ph.D. in men, but better.
My Feelosophy is that “My life is my friend”. It’s your friend too.
What do I actually do? – I help powerful people remember how powerful they are… and how powerful Love is.